Chess PEI

Justin and Tom from the 2010 UPEI Open

This organization, recognized as the Provincial Affiliate by the Chess Federation of Canada (CFC) in 2000, is responsible for the running of chess activity in the province, including chess clubs and tournaments. When possible, Chess PEI works with the Chess 'n Math Association to ensure chess activity for young players.

The complete list of PEI Chess tournaments is maintained at the Maritime ChessCentre's Calendar of Events page


Fred McKim (Chess PEI President & Director of Tournaments)

Jorge Moreno (Chess PEI Director of Communications)

Open CFC Events in 2025

Organized by Chess PEI
1) Jan/Feb - Maritime Senior / UPEI Winter Scholastic / PEI Winter Open
2) Mar/Apr - PEI Quick Chess and Rapid Chess Open
3) May/Jun - Charlottetown Open & Junior Division
4) July/Aug - ANVO PEI Open & Junior Division
5) Sept - PEI Closed & Reserves
6) Thanksgiving (Oct) - Maritime Chess Festival (Summerside)
7) Nov/Dec - PEI Senior / UPEI Fall Scholastic / UPEI Open

Top CFC Rated Players

1.  Anthony Howarth         2176     Stratford      24 
2.  Jorge Moreno            2154     Stratford      24
3.  Fernando Melgar         2085     Charlottetown  24
4.  Anthony Banks           2046     Charlottetown  24
5.  Richard Ganong          2020     Charlottetown  24
6.  Ethan Borden            1900     Summerside     23
7.  Peter MacKean           1870     Kensington     23
8.  Fred McKim              1820     Charlottetown  24
9.  Reg Milne               1791     Charlottetown  24
10. Heritage Awogbade       1776     Charlottetown  23

Last Updated July 5, 2024
Minimum of 5 Rated games
Includes PEI players active in a Regular tournament since Jan 1, 2022

Top CFC Quick Chess Rated Players

1.  Jorge Moreno            2100     Stratford      23 
2.  Anthony Banks           1991     Charlottetown  23
3.  Fernando Melgar         1917     Charlottetown  23 
4.  Peter MacKean           1880     Kensington     23
5.  Reg Milne               1806     Charlottetown  23
6.  Fred McKim              1800     Charlottetown  23
7.  Heritage Awogbade       1636     Charlottetown  23
8.  Greg Plett              1624     Charlottetown  22  
9.  David Zember            1612     Brackley       23
10. Channing Guo            1550     St Peter's     23   

Last Updated October 14, 2023
Minimum of 5 Rated games
Includes PEI players active in a Quick Chess tournament since Jan 1, 2022

Top Blitz Players

1.  Anthony Howarth         2232     Stratford      23  
2.  Jorge Moreno            2133     Stratford      23 
3.  Fernando Melgar         2030     Charlottetown  23
4.  Peter MacKean           1842     Kensington     22
5.  Fred McKim              1823     Charlottetown  23 
6.  Channing Guo            1755     St Peter's     23  
7.  Greg Plett              1728     Charlottetown  23
8.  Joe Li                  1728     Charlottetown  23
9.  Richard Ganong          1726     Cornwall       23
10. Reg Milne               1663     Charlottetown  23
Last Updated October 14, 2023
Minimum of 10 Rated games
Includes players active in a Rated Blitz tournament since Jan 1, 2022

Top Junior Players (Max of Regular or Quick)

1.  Channing Guo            1599     St Peter's     23 
2.  Lucas Nguyen            1469     Charlottetown  22
3.  Jacob Dalton            1384     Charlottetown  22
4.  Shreesh Agrawal         1362     Charlottetown  23  
5.  Niko He                 1319     Stratford      23 
6.  Lucas Lei               1225     Stratford      23
7.  Brian Gu                1193     Stratford      23
8.  Steve Shi               1193     Charlottetown  23 
9.  Joe Li                  1140     Charlottetown  23
10. Vincent Chang           1131     Stratford      23
Last Updated October 14, 2023
Minimum of 5 Rated games
Includes players active in a CFC Rated tournament since Jan 1, 2022


1) Charlottetown Chess Club...Thursdays at the Benevolent Irish Society on North River Rd, 6:30-9:30pm Fred McKim -
....also on Facebook as Charlottetown Chess Club

2) Summerside 64 Chess Club ...Wednesdays at Credit Union Place (Community Room), 6-9pm Paul Burnley -
....also on Facebook as Summerside 64 Chess Club

3a) Summerside Chess Club....Saturdays at the Summerside Library, 3-5pm
....Ages 4-18 Alex Davies -
....also on Facebook as Summerside Chess Club

3b) Summerside Chess Club....Saturdays at the Farmer's Market, 9am-12pm Alex Davies -

PEI Chess Gazette, July/Aug 2020

PEI Chess Gazette, June 2020
PEI Chess Gazette, May 2020
PEI Chess Gazette, Apr 2020

PEI Chess Gazette, Mar 2020
PEI Chess Gazette, Feb 2020
PEI Chess Gazette, Jan 2020

PEI Chess Gazette, Dec 2019
PEI Chess Gazette, Nov 2019
PEI Chess Gazette, Oct 2019

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